David Howard Direct Payments blog

Annual Survey

Written by admin | May 22, 2023 3:33:55 PM



Thank you also for all the kind comments that were left, we have passed these back to the team.

There were also a lot of suggestions/questions that we have answered below:

Suggestion / Comments Response
We sometimes have difficulty with our online login, and password resets – can this be improved? If you have any difficulties with our online portal, please call us as you are experiencing the issues and a member of the team can try and resolve this for you.
Can I get access the payroll data via my computer as currently I can only get access on my mobile? Our online portal can be accessed via your phone or computer, please speak to a member of the team if you would like help
Are you able to provide regular updates regarding changes that may affect me? For up-to-date notifications and information please follow us on our Twitter or Facebook pages – both have regular updates, we also send an emailed newsletter every month with updates and information. Alternatively, you can check our website for relevant changes and information.


Can you provide ‘How to guides’ for working out leave etc We have a selection of helpful guides available – Please take a look on our website for all available guides: https://dhdirectpayments.co.uk/wintersupport2022/
Are you willing to handle queries from those with only one employee rather than just those with larger payrolls? The majority of our clients have 1 employee, and we would like to think that we offer the same level of service to all clients regardless of the number of employees they have.
I mean this in a very kind respectful way, but sometimes it is difficult to understand what your staff are saying to me on the phone. Their national accents are difficult to understand through a phone. We are a culturally diverse organisation, so that we can support our culturally diverse clients. If you feel that you cannot understand the person you are talking to then, please ask (respectfully) to be transferred to someone else.
Please can you send statements by email to prevent too much paper waste? We can email both bank statements (for managed accounts) and David Howard invoices. Please contact the team to discuss this – you will need to provide an email address.
Although we understand the need to reduce paper and printing it makes it difficult for me to access the information and so someone has to print it for me. We do offer a service to post your payroll documents, but we advise using the online portal as it is more secure, and it means that you receive your payroll as soon as it is run rather than having to wait for the post.
Do you regularly review or record telephone conversations? Is there training for those falling below required standard? We do review our recorded phone calls on a monthly basis. All staff are trained, and if we identify any specific performance issues, staff are supported to improve and are given the relevant training.
Can you put account statement in regular post delivery We email the bank account statements (for managed accounts) every month unfortunately these cannot be posted as this is not a facility the bank offers.

The David Howard invoice is sent every quarter, and these can also be posted if requested.

Have an easier way to keep track of holiday entitlement for employees. We have a Holiday calculator that we can email to clients on request.
Offer electronic service as an only option for those who want and save on paper updates through the post. We offer an online portal free of charge where you can get all your payroll documents, please let us know if you want this service.
A named dedicated accounts manager. Your Payroll is allocated to a team of Payroll processors, so that there is always someone who can assist you. If you would like a contact name, then please ask us.