David Howard Direct Payments blog

Spring Clean your Payroll

Written by admin | Jan 29, 2021 3:59:53 PM

Spring Clean your Payroll


As we are approaching the end of the tax year, it is a good time to check that employees on the payroll are all current, and that ‘previous employees’ or cover workers that have not provided any cover for you in some time are removed.

To help you with the ‘spring clean’ with your February payroll we will be sending employers a list of the employees showing as active on the payroll, and identify when they were last paid.

Please check the list and follow the simple steps below:

  • Advise us of any workers that have left or will not be returning.
  • Check with cover workers that they still wish to remain on your ‘books’.
  • Remove Cover workers you are unable to contact or have not heard from in some time.

Please be aware that employees that remain on the payroll will receive a zero payslip for March and a P60 at the end of the year (if they have had any earnings in the current tax year) in line with HMRC guidelines, and these will be charged for accordingly.

As an employer it is important to make sure we are not holding unnecessary data on your behalf, so a check at the end of each tax year will help us make sure your payroll data is accurate and remains GPDR compliant.