David Howard Direct Payments blog

Checking your Payroll Data

Written by admin | Jan 22, 2025 3:34:23 PM

Checking your payroll data


As your payroll provider we want to make sure that your employees are paid accurately and on time, and that the information we hold on the payroll systems is secure, accurate and kept up to date.


Therefore, it is extremely important that employers make sure, that all data we hold is kept up to date, by informing us of any changes.


Most employers are aware that they need to contact the payroll team with any changes that may affect their employees pay, such as:

  • Change in Salary
  • Change in hourly rates of pay and hours worked
  • Details of new starters and leavers
  • Details of sickness and absences (maternity, paternity, annual leave etc).


However, it is also important that employers inform the payroll team when employees personal data changes.

This can include:

  • Change of employee’s address
  • Employee name change
  • email address change


This helps to makes sure that your employees are paid accurately, and are receiving their payroll documents. Personal data I covered by the GDPR regulations, and we want to make sure that our clients are complying with their obligations to keep only relevant and necessary information.


In addition to accurate employee information, we also need to be informed of any changes that may affect the security of your payroll, such as:

  • Changed to the employer’s name
  • Changes to the employers contact information (such as: address, telephone numbers, email addresses etc)
  • Changes to approved contacts
  • Changes to approved contacts name
  • Changes to the approved contact information (such as: address, telephone numbers, email addresses etc)


By keeping the payroll team informed of changes, we can make sure that old data is removed, and we are not sending information to an old address or a contact that should no longer have access to the payroll information.


As a quick check, please ask your employees to check that their correct information is displayed on their payroll documents, and should any information need updating, send an email to the payroll team payroll@davidhoward.co.uk advising us on the changes that are required.