David Howard Direct Payments blog

Changes to the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Provision from 24th March 2022

Written by admin | Feb 24, 2022 4:40:48 PM

Changes to the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Provision from 24th March 2022

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has laid out plans for ‘living with covid’ and from 24th February 2022 individuals in England are no longer required by mandate to self-isolate, if they have tested positive for COVID, although it is still recommended.

In the statement, and the response published on Gov.UK, it was also announced that the Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) waiting days amendment is to end on 24th March 2022 when the Coronavirus Act provisions come to an end.

For full details of the statement please click on the link below.


Therefore, from 24th March, COVID related illness will be treated as any other illness or absence for SSP purposed and the standard SSP rules will apply.  It will also bring an end to the reclaim of COVID related SSP from HMRC.